An Open Letter to Tumblr


Dear Tumblr,

apparently you feel that adult content is no longer allowable on your site. Could you explain that decision, as the last time I looked everyone I was following or speaking to on your site was an adult, and could therefore legally show or talk about anything legal? As far as I am aware it is not illegal to share photos or video of oneself naked or in sexual situations, provided it is consensual, except of course in those jurisdictions which are totalitarian or punitive of any images of women not fully covered.

You do not want to be associated with such societies do you? Or perhaps you do? Is your desire to commercially infiltrate punitive societies behind your censorship of more tolerant ones?

Or is there a desire, since adult content is banned, to infantilise your audience? I would point out that to most of us adults, cute kittens and puppies and lovely scenery quickly pall.

I am a poet, but I sometimes write erotica which I see you bizarrely allow, but my inspiration for such erotica is the often explicit photos which friendly users here allow me to use, so you allow the poetry but deny me the inspiration, and I cannot see the logic in that.

Sadly, I see Tumblr crumbling to nothing in a few months, a year at best, like Flickr before it, and MySpace, relics of a time when adults where in charge of our space on the Net and not corporations scared of any adverse publicity. I urge users here to evacuate Tumblr as quickly as possible, and I hope there are those more egalitarian who will make a new space.

Meanwhile I urge Tumblr to think again about infantilising its site.

When Tumblr bans porn, who loses?





The Vox article that I was interviewed for is up and running, and it contains some serious fuckign information about this whole fiasco.

Information that tumblr just straight up refused to provide to its userbase at all.

Unsurprisingly to those of us watching this website deteriorate over the last year, this full content purge and ban has been in progress for a solid 6 months. The date got moved up because of the child porn thing, but it was always coming for us.

Equally unsurprising: Tumblr’s management and ownership are absolutely destroying the actual staff working on it. The company has been hemoragghing senior staff without so much as a token attempt to keep them in place. So the drops in site quality are real, and wil probably only be getting worse.

Truly astonishing is the fact that apparently this crap was supposed to “double” the userbase by the end of next year. Boy, howdy, that’s not gonna work out well for them.

good luck with your plan to sell ads targeting a user base that doesn’t exist any more, @staff.

@staff @support you may want to read this. No one seems to think this nsfw ban move is a good thing. Your credibility is circling the drain at this point.

This has all been done in such a tragically stupid fashion. And it makes it worse that they actually planned it for six months before initiating it. 

The Vox piece doesn’t even really portray the extent of the devastation. They’ve broken this website for ALL of their users.

When Tumblr bans porn, who loses?


Burger King will give you a whopper for one cent if you go within 600 feet of a McDonald’s and order one from their app

First of all, power move

Second, this means any poor person with a phone and the new Burger King app can literally get food for a penny just by going to McDonalds, which is probably a goddamn lifesaver if you’re regularly worried about where your next meal is coming from

This lasts until December 12, 2018

So, yeah. Save some cash and stay fed.








baffling how much of this site is just conservative protestantism with a gay hat

you know what i’m in just enough of a bad mood that i’m ready to nail my grievances to the church door so let’s fucking go

  • black and white morality wherein anyone who doesn’t believe/think/live exactly as I do is a dirty sinner Problematic and probably a predatory monster
  • everyone is a sinner Problematic but true believers people who activist the right way according to my worldview are still better than everyone else, and I will act in accordance to this belief in my own superiority to let everyone else know I’m better than them because I found Jesus am the most woke
  • casual and fucking omnipresent equations of womanhood with softness/goodness/purity/nurturing to remind every woman who isn’t/doesn’t want to be any of those things that they’re doing it wrong
  • aggressive desexualization (particularly of women’s sexuality, to the point where it may as well not exist at all) accompanied by pastels [not a criticism directed ace ppl having a right to sex-free content and spaces but specifically targeted at a wider problem resulting from the previous point]
  • YOU’RE VALID AND JESUS LOVES YOU and neither of these platitudes achieves a goddamn thing
  • historical context is for people who care about nuance and we don’t have time for either (see: black and white morality)
  • lots of slogans and quotes and nice little soundbites to memorize but does anybody actually study the source material with a critical eye to make their own informed analysis
  • the answer is no
  • I’ve been to bible study groups don’t @ me I know what the fuck I’m talking about
  • Good Christians™ Nice Gays™

    don’t fraternize with/let themselves be influenced by non-Christians those terrible queers

  • all the media one consumes must be ideologically pure or it will surely harm the children
  • it is Our Sacred Duty to protect the children from Everything, thus ensuring their innocence/purity/etc until such time as they are idk probably 25 years old
  • literally just “think of the children” moral panic y’all can fuckin miss me with that
  • people who don’t conform to the dominant thinking WILL be excommunicated/driven from the social group, and any wrong treatment they suffer will be seen as a justified consequence of their wrong thinking
  • I Saw Goody Proctor With The Devil And She Had A Bad Steven Universe Headcanon

Thank you for breaking it down like that because so many of us have been saying it but to see a play by play breakdown comparison is just…Thank you.

  • sipping tea and judging people as a group bonding activity

oh, man, speaking as a queer Christian who gets regular tumblr flashbacks to my childhood in the Bible Belt, YES

-belief that small snippets of text can be analyzed out context to understand the whole work/ judge the whole person
-Desire for moral choices to be easy/ black-and-white leads to belief that it is possible to find a one-size-fits all answer to every situation
-Literal, rather than literary analysis, with weird fixation on etymological roots that have nothing to do with source material
-Belief that there is “one true interpretation” that is self-evident and will be understood by everyone encountering the same material regardless of background
-Overwhelming, internalized sense of culpability for other people’s actions/integrity/souls
-Overwhelming, internalized sense of personal guilt
-Pressure to evangelize aggressively
-Tendency to value broad ideals before individual needs
-Hostility towards coexistence/tolerance/neutrality
-Hostility towards lack of consensus in viewpoint
-Knowledge as contamination
-Guilt/contamination by proximity
-Fixation on the sexual as uniquely dirty/sinful
-Belief in “thought crimes”
-Argumentation via appeal to higher authority/feelings of revulsion rather than internal, verbalizeable logic
-“conversations” that are actually stealth soapboxes because one side isn’t actually interested in listening
-“polite requests” that are actually commands because “no” is not considered an acceptable answer
-in-group language
-virtue-signaling and hostility towards the outgroup
-communities strongly built around the idea of being the world’s underdog
-appropriation of other people’s persecution/victimization
-treating the concept of oppression like a trophy
-glorification/fetishization of victimhood

It got better.

Bringing this back.







honestly i have saved a lot of hassle by specifically requesting to be treated by female medical professionals whenever possible

my last male doctor told me, within literal minutes of meeting me, that I wasn’t sick actually and all my problems were just in my head and I was making everything up.

The very next female doctor I went to asked me questions about my symptoms, about how long I’d been having issues, and why I was concerned. And then she wrote me a prescription

One time I was referred to a male infectious disease doctor and he laughed off my symptoms and explained that they were caused by anxiety and lack of sleep. I saw a female PCP a month later and she took a leap and tested me for Lymes. The test came back positive and I was treated before it got bad. I thank her everyday for having the guts to listen to me and take action.

I had to be taken to the hospital in an ambulance for severe abdominal pain on my left side. I was fading in and out of consciousness the pain was so bad. Of course the assumption was that my appendix was going to rupture, but when the doctor ruled that out he decided it was simply period cramps and told me to take Tylenol.

As I was stumbling out of the ER the charge nurse stopped me and asked where the fuck I was going. I told her I’d been discharged and she took a look at my charts and deadass rolled her eyes. Called the doctor back in to point out a substantial fluid buildup near my ovaries. He called it a “nonissue” and this brave nurse, bless her heart, argued with him.

As it turns out, I had a massive cyst on my left ovary that had ruptured, hence the pain being on one side. Apparently, it could have killed me. She asked me if this had happened before, which it had. The male doctor then had also told me it was cramps.

I was sent to a specialist, and within two days was diagnosed with severe endometriosis, which put me at a high risk for additional ovarian cysts. Within a month I’d had surgery, it was small and noninvasive, but there was a chance it could genuinely save my life one day.

It took three years of potentially deadly complications that I had NO IDEA were even happening before a nurse that saw me in passing realized what had happened. So yeah, male doctors suck.

male doctors can be assholes to other males too.

when my brother was in middle school he had twisted his knee backwards. when we went to his male doctor, he upright told him to stop being a little bitch. (he was a military doctor and i guess could get away with it?) Anyway, it took 4 years for that doctor to rotate out of that base and the next one that came in was in shock that he hadn’t taken my brother into surgery when he first came in.  His ligaments were torn and they had to graft from other muscles to reconstruct his knee to be usable. FOUR YEARS because this asshat didn’t want to do his fucking job and do a few scans to see my brother couldn’t use his leg. for FOUR years. anyway they got him into surgery right away, but there was already a shit ton of damage

another story, different doctor

I get bronchitis nearly every year because apparently you get it once, you’re supper susceptible to get again.  anyway i had been coughing for a good 2 months and i went to the male doctor my parents had and told him how long it had been and that it was the same that it was the last two times i had bronchitis.  doctor tells me it’s not bronchitis and to wait tow weeks to see if it goes away and send me away. two weeks later, guess what, results are in, it’s bronchitis, he gives me some steroid pills and sends me on the way.  not such a bad story right, he just wanted to make sure before giving me something?

yeah, except it happened twice after that when i came in for the same exact thing. same song and dance because i don’t know what i’m talking about.

 i switch to a female doctor and about a month ago i start getting the start of that cough so i go see her.  I tell her how i get it often and i want to catch it before it turns into bronchitis. She sees my history on how i’ve had it 5 times in the past 4 years and IMMEDIATLY she gives me a steroid inhaler, AND a regular inhaler for the next time i start getting a cough despite not actually having major bronchitis symptoms at the time. so not only did she listen to me the first time, but she gave me a preventative.  guess what guys … i didn’t get bronchitis this year.

i typically recommend asking for a female doctor regardless of your gender

If You Actually Want To Do Something About This:


If you’re wanting to show your displeasure, don’t just tag staff or support.  Take a page out of other consumer revolts and make sure your displeasure is known.  

Don’t be an idiot.  Do not threaten, harass or otherwise make this personal.  Contact these companies, make your displeasure known, alert them that you are a customer and you will be leaving their brand across all boards unless they reverse their decision.

Be clear, be concise, be polite, but make your displeasure known.


  • Email: 
  • Mail:           35 E. 21st St., 9th FloorNew York, NY10010 
  • Twitter:       @tumblr
  • Facebook:

Oath Inc

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  • Twitter:       @oath
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  • Mail:          1095 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10013
  • Twitter:       @VerizonNews
  • Facebook:

Note the following properties owned by Oath Inc.  Bring them up explicitly in your statement of leaving their services.

  • Yahoo and all Yahoo Subsidiaries (Yahoo News, Yahoo Mail, etc)
  • AOL
  • TechCrunch
  • HuffPost
  • Flurry
  • Kanvas
  • Endgadget
  • AutoBlog
  • Makers
  • Build
  • Ryot
  • BuiltByGirls
  • MSN
  • Outlook
  • X-Box

New Info Will Be Added As I’m Made Aware Of It

Edit: This does nothing if it isn’t shared around


“why do we even need ao3/ why won’t they censor content i don’t like/ what’s that money going towards”

it’s going towards not arbitrarily deleting all your fucking blogs overnight because yahoo had a shareholders meeting, that’s what the fuck it’s going towards. if you don’t own it, they can yank the cord whenever they feel like it, for whatever reason, using whatever wobbly catch-all algorithm they want, and that is exactly what the fuck we’ve been telling you. “wellll i’m not a porn blog, it’s not going to affect me,” oh worm?? you sure?? this website is suddenly gonna be capable of censoring posted content with surgical precision? give ao3 ten bucks immediately and get real