





honestly i have saved a lot of hassle by specifically requesting to be treated by female medical professionals whenever possible

my last male doctor told me, within literal minutes of meeting me, that I wasn’t sick actually and all my problems were just in my head and I was making everything up.

The very next female doctor I went to asked me questions about my symptoms, about how long I’d been having issues, and why I was concerned. And then she wrote me a prescription

One time I was referred to a male infectious disease doctor and he laughed off my symptoms and explained that they were caused by anxiety and lack of sleep. I saw a female PCP a month later and she took a leap and tested me for Lymes. The test came back positive and I was treated before it got bad. I thank her everyday for having the guts to listen to me and take action.

I had to be taken to the hospital in an ambulance for severe abdominal pain on my left side. I was fading in and out of consciousness the pain was so bad. Of course the assumption was that my appendix was going to rupture, but when the doctor ruled that out he decided it was simply period cramps and told me to take Tylenol.

As I was stumbling out of the ER the charge nurse stopped me and asked where the fuck I was going. I told her I’d been discharged and she took a look at my charts and deadass rolled her eyes. Called the doctor back in to point out a substantial fluid buildup near my ovaries. He called it a “nonissue” and this brave nurse, bless her heart, argued with him.

As it turns out, I had a massive cyst on my left ovary that had ruptured, hence the pain being on one side. Apparently, it could have killed me. She asked me if this had happened before, which it had. The male doctor then had also told me it was cramps.

I was sent to a specialist, and within two days was diagnosed with severe endometriosis, which put me at a high risk for additional ovarian cysts. Within a month I’d had surgery, it was small and noninvasive, but there was a chance it could genuinely save my life one day.

It took three years of potentially deadly complications that I had NO IDEA were even happening before a nurse that saw me in passing realized what had happened. So yeah, male doctors suck.

male doctors can be assholes to other males too.

when my brother was in middle school he had twisted his knee backwards. when we went to his male doctor, he upright told him to stop being a little bitch. (he was a military doctor and i guess could get away with it?) Anyway, it took 4 years for that doctor to rotate out of that base and the next one that came in was in shock that he hadn’t taken my brother into surgery when he first came in.  His ligaments were torn and they had to graft from other muscles to reconstruct his knee to be usable. FOUR YEARS because this asshat didn’t want to do his fucking job and do a few scans to see my brother couldn’t use his leg. for FOUR years. anyway they got him into surgery right away, but there was already a shit ton of damage

another story, different doctor

I get bronchitis nearly every year because apparently you get it once, you’re supper susceptible to get again.  anyway i had been coughing for a good 2 months and i went to the male doctor my parents had and told him how long it had been and that it was the same that it was the last two times i had bronchitis.  doctor tells me it’s not bronchitis and to wait tow weeks to see if it goes away and send me away. two weeks later, guess what, results are in, it’s bronchitis, he gives me some steroid pills and sends me on the way.  not such a bad story right, he just wanted to make sure before giving me something?

yeah, except it happened twice after that when i came in for the same exact thing. same song and dance because i don’t know what i’m talking about.

 i switch to a female doctor and about a month ago i start getting the start of that cough so i go see her.  I tell her how i get it often and i want to catch it before it turns into bronchitis. She sees my history on how i’ve had it 5 times in the past 4 years and IMMEDIATLY she gives me a steroid inhaler, AND a regular inhaler for the next time i start getting a cough despite not actually having major bronchitis symptoms at the time. so not only did she listen to me the first time, but she gave me a preventative.  guess what guys … i didn’t get bronchitis this year.

i typically recommend asking for a female doctor regardless of your gender

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